Monday, October 26, 2009

Typical Autism Family Weekend

Well aside from the meltdown of our son with Asperger's, the OC behaviors of our Autistic son, the ADHD of our Daughter and the LD issues of our youngest son, we have it pretty easy around here(sarcasm).

Last weekend I returned from an errand feeling lucky having received some free boards only to find that my wife's foot went through the floor of our bathroom due to constant water soaking around the tub. After teasing her about breaking the floor boards I was relieved that at least it wasn't near the toilet.

While cutting out the rotten part of the floor and panicking about how to repair it, my daughter ran in crying that something had dug up her bunny that we recently had to bury. She also reported that the goat had chased the cat onto the roof and it wouldn't come down. So now I had a dead bunny in the yard, a goat on my deck, a cat on my roof and a large hole in our bathroom floor. So far a good day at our house.

While reburying the rabbit my wife screamed in terror when our microwave blew. Apparently the high use for chicken nuggets and pizza rolls (youngest son's snacks) finally wore it out. How are we going to cook without a microwave? ADHD kids can't wait on a conventional oven to cook things that would be too long they would starve.

This had all happened a couple days after getting the news that our mini-van's transmission was fried and we need to come up with 2 grand to fix it. (whole other story to that)

I always feel like Charlie Brown on Halloween...."I got a rock"

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