Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bad Lucky Streak

Well today just gets better and better.

This morning our ASPY son had a fit because he couldn't find his Garfield book that he wanted to take to school to read. This was after missing the bus due to not being dressed.

While loading his stuff and mine into my car, I dropped my coffee cup. It splashed on my leg then bounced off and landed open on the back car floor dumping the whole amount.

As I reentered the house to rinse my pant leg our son was still obsessing about the missing book. He said he was worried about the library fine he would get. I don't recall him ever actually paying his own fines at the library or worrying about them before. He must be getting responsible.......Nah he then informed me he really needed to find it so he had something to do at school today. Wouldn't want to socialize with anyone!

While at work my wife calls to inform me the drier quit!

I swear that ABC is following us around to get ideas for the show "The Middle". If not they should.

I think I will go outside to wait on a tornado to drop a better drier in our yard. If my luck holds it will land on me!

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